Daftar Isi Python Programming Language Concept

Latar Belakang 4
Rumusan Masalah 5
Tujuan Penulisan 5
Pengertian Bahasa Pemrograman 6
Sejarah Bahasa Pemrograman 6
Pemrograman Python 12
Pengertian Syntax dan Semantik 13
BAB I Describing Syntax and Semantics 15
1. Comments 16
1.1 Comment untuk satu baris 16
1.2 Comment untuk beberapa baris 16
2. Whitespace 16
3. Indentation 16
4. Tokens 17
4.1 Keyword 17
4.2 Operator 17
4.3 Punctuator 19
4.4 Delimiter 19
4.5 Literal 19
4.6 Print 20
4.7 Raw Input 20
4.8 If, elif, else (conditional) 20
4.9 True, False, NOT (ekspresi Boolean) 21
5. Expressions 21
6. Interpreter Errors 21
BAB 2 Name, Binding, and Scope 23
1. Nama Variabel 24
2. Tipe dan Jenis Data 24
2.1 Tipe Data Bilangan 25
2.2 Tipe Data Teks 25
2.3 Tipe Data Boolean 25
3. Binding 25
3.1 Bindin Type 25
3.2 Storage Binding and Allocation 25
4. Variabel Scope 26
BAB 3 Data Types 27
1. Primitive Data Type 28
2. Character String Type 28
3. User Defined Ordinal 29
4. Array Type 29
4.1 Heterogeneous Arrays 30
4.2 Associative Arrays 30
5. Record Types 30
6. Tuple Types 30
7. List Type 30
8. Union Type 31
9. Pointer and Reference Types 31
10. Type Checking 31
11. Strong Typing 31
BAB 4 Espression and Assignment Statement 32
1. Operator Aritmatika 33
2. Overloading dan Type Conversion 34
2.1 List 34
3. Relation Expression and Boolean 38
4. Short Circuit Evaluation Of Logical Expressions 39
5. Assignment Statement 40
BAB 5 Control Structure And Statement 41
1. Statement-Level Control Structures 42
1.1 Control Structure 42
1.2 Selection Statements 42
1.3 Two Way Selection Statements 42
2. Multiple Way Selection Statements Using Switch Case 42
2.1 If Statements 43
2.2 If else 43
2.3 Elif 44
2.4 Python Break 45
2.5 Python Continue 46
3. Clause Form 47
3.1 If Statement 47
3.2 While Statement 47
3.3 For Statement 48
4. Try Statement 49
4.1 Menangani Error Pembacaan File 49
5. With Statement 51
6. Iterative Statements 52
7. Counter Controlled Loops 52
8. Logically Controlled Loops 53
8.1 For Loop 53
8.2 While Loop 53
9. User Loaded Loop Control Mechanism 54
9.1 Sistem Kontrol Loop Terbuka 54
9.2 Sistem Kontrol Loop Tertutup 54
BAB 6 Subprogram 55
1. Prosedure Dalam Subprogram 56
2. Fungsi Dalam Subprogram 57
3. Design Issue of Subprograms 60
4. Local Referencing Environments 60
5. Parameter Passing Methods 62
6. Generic Subprogram 65
7. Polymorphism(Overloading) 65
BAB 7 Abstract Data Type 68
1. Introduction And Concept of Abstraction 69
2. Parameterized Abstract Data Type 70
3. Naming Encapsulation 71
4. Encapsulation Construct 72
5. Example of Abstraction 73
BAB 8 Object-Oriented Programming 75
1. Pengertian OOP 76
2. Konsep OOP 76
3. Karakteristik OOP 77
4. Semuanya Merupaka Objek 78
5. Semuanya Memiliki Kelas?.. 79
6. Penggunaan Self 80
7. Penggunaan _init_ 81
8. Instance Attributes and Methods 83
9. Static Methods 83
10. Class Methods 84
11. Inheritance 85
BAB 9 Concurrency 88
1. Fungsi Matematika 89
2. Higher-Order Function 89
3. Purity 90
4. Perbedaan Functional dan Imperative Language 90
BAB 10 Exception Handling And Event Handling 91
1. Exeption Handling 92
2. Syntax Errors 94
3. Exeptions 94
4. Raising Exceptions 98
5. User-defined Exeptions 99
6. Defining Clean-up Actions 100
7. Predefined Clean-up Actions 101
BAB 11 Logic Programming Languages 103
1. Penjelasan Singkat Mengenai Predicate Calculus 104
2. Preposisi 104
3. Overview of Logic Programming 106
4. Terms 107
5. Fact Statements 108
6. Rule Statements 108
7. Goal Statements 108
8. The Inferencing Process of Prolog 109
9. Simple Arithmetic 109
10. List Structures 109

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